Boundaries - The key to reclaiming your time, energy and freedom. boundaries

Boundaries are invisible lines that determine where I end and you begin. Think of a border or dividing line that indicates what’s you and what’s me. Boundaries protect us physically,...

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Could you be missing this one critical ingredient of wellness? yoga

I’ve experimented with many weird and wonderful things on the path to wellness; green smoothies, Chakra balancing, strange breathing practises and perhaps the most obscure - a salt water...

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Where true strength lies (and why I gave up my strong independent woman persona) strength

A friend shared with me recently how a friend of hers is having a hard time at the moment and it's been difficult to watch. Her friend is incredibly smart, kind, funny and on the surface appears to...

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The art of letting go yoga

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt from Yoga is the art of letting go. As a typical type A, this has not been easy – indeed it’s an ongoing practice (and sometimes battle!).


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Is self study selfish? yoga

Swadhyaya or self study is one of the five Niyamas (personal disciplines or observances) from Patanjali’s eightfold path and frankly, the point of Yoga! 

There can be a tendency in...

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5 Steps to getting on the yoga mat (when it's the last thing you feel like doing) yoga

As human beings we’re naturally drawn to what makes us feel good and when we start practicing Yoga, it can feel damn good. 

But like anything the honeymoon period can wear off. How...

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It's not about the nail

We talk about the importance of family but how much do we really see and hear the people we care about most?

When someone tries to reach out and share a problem with us do we jump in to fix...

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How's your self care?

How are you? Really?

Most people when asked that question automatically say 'I'm good thanks, how are you?' without giving it a second thought. There are any number of reasons why we do this -...

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