What my stubborn dog taught me about letting go letting go life lessons

My dog Red (that's her the in the photo) is smart, cheeky, funny and very food motivated.

Each morning, we go down to the local reserve for a walk where she gets to play with other dogs, and I get...

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3 things we can learn from Taylor Swift on International Women's Day female empowerment life lessons taylor swift

Taylor Swift’s star is shining brightly, and rightfully so. What she has achieved in 34 years is nothing short of miraculous, and she’s a wonderful role model for girls and women...

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What is Codependency? boundaries codependency enmeshment narcissisim toxicrelationships

There are many different definitions of Codependency but I like to describe it as a loss of connection to our authentic Self.

Codependency is rooted in toxic shame and the belief that who we are at...

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What is coaching? anxiety attachment boundaries burnout coaching codependency embodiment emotions nervous system regulation stress triggers

I'm often asked about the difference between coaching and therapy and, to be frank, the lines are becoming increasingly blurred.

The narrative used to be that therapists focus on your past and...

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Let's talk about blame blame self-responsibility

The Cambridge online dictionary describes blame as "to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening".

I've come to the conclusion that...

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How to avoid burnout burnout

As I prepared for a recent podcast interview on the subject of burnout, I reflected on my own experience in the corporate sector 10 years ago.

Yes, much of my burnout was caused by the...

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How boundaries can help you navigate Christmas (or any holiday) boundaries family

It’s meant to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for many people the holiday season can be fraught with challenges.

Whether it’s coping with feelings of loneliness,...

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Boundaries - The key to reclaiming your time, energy and freedom. boundaries

Boundaries are invisible lines that determine where I end and you begin. Think of a border or dividing line that indicates what’s you and what’s me. Boundaries protect us physically,...

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Could you be missing this one critical ingredient of wellness? yoga

I’ve experimented with many weird and wonderful things on the path to wellness; green smoothies, Chakra balancing, strange breathing practises and perhaps the most obscure - a salt water...

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Where true strength lies (and why I gave up my strong independent woman persona) strength

A friend shared with me recently how a friend of hers is having a hard time at the moment and it's been difficult to watch. Her friend is incredibly smart, kind, funny and on the surface appears to...

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The art of letting go yoga

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt from Yoga is the art of letting go. As a typical type A, this has not been easy – indeed it’s an ongoing practice (and sometimes battle!).


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Is self study selfish? yoga

Swadhyaya or self study is one of the five Niyamas (personal disciplines or observances) from Patanjali’s eightfold path and frankly, the point of Yoga! 

There can be a tendency in...

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